Increasing male-bias in a population mainly occurs due to the lower survival of the females (Donald, 2007), typically linked to ecological and life-history traits, such as: (ⅰ) higher energy expenditure of females during reproduction (Sargeant et al., 1984; Thomson et al., 1998; Post and...
Converging lines of inquiry from across the social and biological sciences target the adult sex ratio (ASR; the proportion of males in the adult population) as a fundamental population-level determinant of behavior. The ASR, which indicates the relative number of potential mates to competitors in ...
Impact of advanced healthcare directives on treatment decisions by physicians in patients with acute stroke The implementation of advanced healthcare directives, prepared by almost half of the adult population in United States remains relatively under studied. We... AI Qureshi,SA Chaudhry,C Bo,......
And vice versa: the more people within a group change in their appreciation of a particular value over time, the lower the correlation between two time periods and thus the lower the stability of this particular value in the population. To estimate how value priorities change over time for ...
(Angrist and Kreuger, 1999). Each individual in the population of interest – which in this case consists of individuals who may or may not receive training – has two potential outcomes: (1) the outcome that would be experienced if he/she receives training, and (2) the outcome that ...
Substance abuse is a serious problem in the young adult population, yet there exists a lack of reliable screening measures for use in identifying problem users in this age group. The Rutgers Collegiate Substance Abuse Screening Test (RCSAST) is a 25-item, true/false questionnaire that was creat...
health economicsdependent coverageOBJECTIVE: To examine the robustness of findings regarding state-level adult dependent coverage expansions using detailed outcomes that specify coverage source. DATA SOURCES: This study uses the 2001-2009 files of the Current Population Survey's Annual Social and Economic...
Physical inactivity in a country in transition: a population-based survey in Tirana City, Albania Scand. J. Public Health, 32 (2004), pp. 60-67 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Shuval et al., 2009 K. Shuval, E. Weissblueth, M. Brezis, A. Araida, L. Dipietro Individual and socio-ecolo...
Population estimates in conservation units in the Brazilian Legal Amazon: an application of regular grids using the 2007 Population Count In this paper a method for increasing the resolution of census data is tested and presented, by aggregating the data onto a regular grid. The methodology consists...
Quality of life in an urban Asian population: the impact of ethnicity and socio-economic status. The relationships between ethnicity, socio-economic status (SES) and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) have not been well characterised in most Asian ... J Thumboo,KY Fong,D Machin,... -...