–photos: we would have poured over them if this book had any Hello everybody:one of the rescue swimmers said that over the course of 11 years of service, earning several Coast Guard awards, he received not a single “thank you” note from any of the stranded people he rescued.Did my ...
Buy a pizza have them over. Keep the offer out there to help. Good Luck -1 Reply Gee Reply to Susan wilburn 1 year ago Been there done that. Did everything you mentioned still have no room for me in their lives. I have no family of my own. My daughter and gkids is all I...
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Office icebreakers often end up feeling forced and awkward. Instead, encourage collaboration naturally with team-building exercises that are actually fun and get everyone outside and moving. At its heart, a field day is an event that emphasizes teamwork — perfect for your summer company party or...
. Research also shows that taking up an instrument as an adult makes yousmarter, more productive and less stressed. And plus, it makes you feel like a total badass when you can *actually* hold a tune when singing along to Beyonce, or rip out a killer guitar solo at a party....
He tried something new in June – Pizza with ham and pineapple. Now, as much as I love it when he tries something new, this is something I would not have cared in the least if he refused it. Yes, he loves pizza and yes, he likes pineapple. He also likes ham, but always has to...
There’s no shortage of ideas when it comes to what to do with your dress when compared to acustom wedding dress. You may sell it after your wedding if you wish or pay for the number of hours you’ll spend in it only. At the end of the day, it depends on your preference as a...