Two hours later, his temperature fell to normal. Then this patient's entire body rash increased signiifcantly and lasted for 13 hours. Serum measles antibody IgM(+) conifrmed the measles diagnosis. He had received measles vaccine as a baby. Clinicians should be aware of this atypical ...
Core body temperature and HR rhythms were studied in separate groups of animals at 4, 8, and 20 months of age. The normal late afternoon rise in plasma CORT was examined in freely moving male rats at 6 months of age via an indwelling right atrial cannula. Results showed that the CBT ...
A large-scale lifespan analysis using eight hundred mice demonstrated that DR only in the period of 3-24 months can extend lifespan, although the mortality rate is acutely increased upon swapping diet-restricted animals to normal chow7. In contrast, DR started at 24 months exerts a blunted ...
M.: The fine structural morphology of adrenal cortices of normal and stressed squirrel Monkeys. J. Morph. 134, 447–466 (1971). Google Scholar Rennels, E. G.: Observations on the ultrastructure of luteal cells from PMS and PMS-HCG treated immature rats. Endocrinology 79, 373–386 (1966)...
percentage (±SEM) of KI67+LGR5+CBCcells per crypt in human colon (n = 65 crypts from 4 normal human samples,P < 0.0001,t-test).cConfocal images of mouse and NMR small intestinal crypt base co-stained with species-specificLgr5RNAscope probe (red), anti-p27 antibody (green)...
constitutively but partially compensates peripheral TGF-β1 levels8. Using this mouse model, it was reported that in the absence of TGF-β1 in the CNS during development, microglia do not establish their signature gene expression, indicating that TGF-β1 is required for normal microglial ...
elegans causes expansion of the gut lumen into a large cyst, deficiency of CLIC4 in mice and vascular endothelial cells prevents normal vascular tubulogenesis [17, 18, 30, 31] Mice devoid of CLIC4 also have skin and cornea wound healing defects. It has been suggested that the vascular ...
We use data from the Midlife Development in the United States study to examine how sexual satisfaction, frequency, and number of partners are associated with men's body weight. We consider five body weight categories (underweight, normal, overweight, obese I, and obese II/III), and control fo...
A large-scale lifespan analysis using eight hundred mice demonstrated that DR only in the period of 3-24 months can extend lifespan, although the mortality rate is acutely increased upon swapping diet-restricted animals to normal chow7. In contrast, DR started at 24 months exerts a blunted ...
A large number of normal sperm were obtained after eight weeks and no formation of ovarian tissue was observed. Artificial fertilization using sperm from the sex-changed females was successful. These results demonstrated that sex plasticity remains in the mature ovaries of this species....