The managed care data captures many high-risk low-income adult enrollees who recently gained Medicaid coverage under the expansion provisions of the ACA or the Section 1115 waiver. These low-income adults included in the recent expansion are shown to have disproportionately high risks for chronic ...
SoonerCare 2.0 would expand Medicaid in Oklahoma to approximately 220,000 low-income adults who would not otherwise qualify for coverage starting July 1, 2020. The newly eligible population would have access to the same benefits as the current SoonerCare population but would face a...
Fourth, the number of included studies (6) was relatively low and may inherently limit the precision of the obtained estimates. Fifth, the percentage of mothers with both antenatal and postnatal depression was not available for any of the studies. Therefore, the analysis cannot accurately address ...
For summary statistics, health insurance was defined as reporting private insurance, Medicare/Medigap, Medicaid, other public insurance, or being uninsured. In multivariable analyses, we defined health insurance coverage as private (coded 0), public (coded 1), or none/uninsured (coded 2). Alcohol...
Funny story related to him and no insurance: He told me that we could probably have any hospital bills written off. I explained that we are self-insured due to high ACA prices and not wanting to work at shit-job just for insurance, not because we’re in a non-Medicaid state. He woul...
“Medicaid requires you to pay down a lot of your assets before their benefits become available to you,” he says. “The whole idea here is there are things that you can do so that the assets become disqualified for consideration by the government when you fill out your financial information...
Given the heavy personal financial burden and access barriers faced by cancer survivors, it is expected that many of those without current employment-related insurance would participate in Medicaid or the marketplaces. Plans purchased through the marketplace are required to provide adequate networks but...
Only 1.2% lost health insurance and 4.1% enrolled in Medicaid since March 2020. Table 1 Characteristics of survivors of adolescent and young adult cancers surveyed from October 2020 to January 2021 (N = 314) Full size table Delayed/skipped cancer care (19.1%) was less common than delayed...
Level of HIV-1 RNA should be monitored approximately 4 weeks after treatment is initiated or changed, and then every 3 months to confirm suppression of viremia below the limit of quantification of sensitive commercial assays (AIa). Once viral load has been suppressed consistently for >2 years an...
The managed care data captures many high-risk low-income adult enrollees who recently gained Medicaid coverage under the expansion provisions of the ACA or the Section 1115 waiver. These low-income adults included in the recent expansion are shown to have disproportionately high risks for chronic ...