Low water intake is also a global public health challenge as recent research assessing fluid intake habits across different countries worldwide highlights that about 50% of the study adult population and more than 50% of the child and adolescent study population did not comply with the European Fo...
The neural circuitry processing male sexual behavior is tightly regulated by testosterone and its neural metabolite estradiol. The present study evaluated the effects of adult exposure to low doses of nonylphenol (NP), a widespread environmental contamin
DHEA is the precursor of androgens and estrogens, and for this reason, its intake is proposed against sexual dysfunction as well as food and dietary supplements that contain it, such as wild yam and soy. Some studies have highlighted the benefits that patients with erection problems have had fo...
Despite the fact that additional caffeine intake can slightly raise blood sugar in people with diabetes, caffeinated products have no such effect on healthy adults. Bottom Line There are other ways to increase your libido besides drinking these drinks. It has been shown that low testosterone levels...
Male Wistar rats fed from conception to adulthood with a high phytoestrogen diet were submitted to phytoestrogen withdrawal by feeding a low phytoestrogen diet, or a high phytoestrogen–high fat diet. Withdrawal of dietary phytoestrogens increased body weight, adiposity and energy intake through an ...
As a result, energy utilization of germfree and conventional rats was similar (148 and 143 kcal/kg/day, respectively), although the germfree rat metabolized only 71.9% of its dietary intake, versus the conventional rat's 80%. Germfree rats consumed 33% more water than conventional rats. ...
Water in the Body | Healthy Water Intake & Its Importance from Chapter 7 / Lesson 3 85K Learn about the importance of water in the body. See healthy water intake levels and learn how much of your body is water. Discover ...
Excessive intake of dietary phosphate without the company of calcium causes serum parathyroid hormone (s-PTH) concentration to rise. We investigated the effect of a modest but prolonged increase in dietary intake of inorganic phosphate on the bone quantitative factors of mature male rats. Twenty Wist...
Emerging adults (of both sexes) were caged individually (male or female) to exclude any crowding and social interaction effects. All flies were unmated to minimize any confounding effects; mating has been found to boost egg production in protein-fed females with a subsequent cost in survival62and...
12 years of age, and continue slightly diverging until old age. The differential ontogenetic trends cause adult male ribcages to become deeper, shorter, and wider than female. Our results are consistent with the evidence from the cranial respiratory system, with the development of sexual ...