The protein requirement of adult marmosets: nitrogen balances and net protein utilization of milk proteins, soy protein, and amino acid mixtures.StickstoffbilanzProteinbedarfKrallenaffenCallitrichidaeNitrogen balance studies were conducted in adult male marmosets ( Callithrix jacchus ) using purified and...
nitrogen on the same basis are much greater for the rat than for the human, 6.07 mg and 2.88 mg, respectively, testifying to the greater relative requirement of the rat than of the human for the amino acid severely limiting the nutritive value of soybean protein, namely, methionine (or ...
Total protein: 5.5–9.0 g/dL Cardiac enzymes Normal cardiac enzyme ranges include the following [1] : Creatine kinase: Female: 30–135 U/L; male: 55–170 U/L Creatine kinase MB (CKMB): ˂5% of total Troponin: ≤0.04 ng/mL Hormones Normal hormone ranges include the following [...
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is a remarkable form of brain structural plasticity by which new functional neurons are generated from adult neural stem cells/precursors. Although the precise role of this process remains elusive, adult hippocampal neuroge
Methionine (Met), an essential amino acid, is a dietary requirement for animals. Specific restriction of dietary Met has been reported to extend lifespan in rodents14,15. Subsequent studies demonstrated that Met restriction (MetR) can extend lifespan in many model organisms, including Drosophila16...
Blocking protein synthesis alters adult-born neuron activation It has been shown that adult-born neurons are more prone to respond to stimuli to which they were exposed during their maturation29and that spatial learning influences the development of immature adult-born neurons27. Therefore, we first...
(1999) indicated that the protein requirement of crayfish at 0.19–2.1 g initial body weight was 22–26 % when carbohydrate was 36–41 %, with 17−21 g/MJ (4.1–5.0 mg/kcal) of protein/energy ratio. A recent research on nutrient requirement of juvenile crayfish (2.52 g)...
In addition, 3-month OPA1-MKO MuSCs could not pass the G1 cell-cycle restriction point (R-point), as determined by the expression of phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein (pRb) (Figure 6M). Regardless of the cell-cycle defect, each individual MuSC from 3-month OPA1-MKO underwent activation...
Methionine (Met), an essential amino acid, is a dietary requirement for animals. Specific restriction of dietary Met has been reported to extend lifespan in rodents14,15. Subsequent studies demonstrated that Met restriction (MetR) can extend lifespan in many model organisms, including Drosophila16...
Deficiency of schnurri-2, an MHC enhancer binding protein, induces mild chronic inflammation in the brain and confers molecular, neuronal, and behavioral phenotypes related to schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 38: 1409–1425. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Takemura NU (2005)....