Minor head injury (MHI) is one of the most frequent causes of emergency room admission which often requires expensive, and not always non-invasive, imaging techniques to be diagnosed correctly. It is therefore necessary to follow appropriate guidelines to improve the diagnosis and reduce the risk....
Background: Pediatric brain injuries are common, but current management of patients with mild traumatic intracranial hemorrhage (T-ICH) is suboptimal, often including unnecessary repeat head CT (RHCT) and neurosurgical consultation (NSC). Brain Injury Guidelines (BIG) have been developed to standardize...
Case Study: Young Adult with Head Injury: Gait Parameters Changes When Walking With and Without a Cane.An abstract is unavailable. This article is available as a PDF only.doi:10.1097/01253086-199721050-00074ZwickD E.Neurology Report
Forest Plots Describing the Odds of Mortality for Children With Head Injury Treated at Pediatric Trauma Centers (PTCs) vs Adult Trauma Centers (ATCs) eFigure 6. Forest Plots Describing the Odds of Mortality for Children With Blunt Solid Organ Injury Treated at Pediatric Trauma Centers (P...
(IACUC 2018-0048). All the experiments reported here were reviewed and approved by the and were consistent with the ARRIVE guidelines for animal care and use. All methods were carried out in accordance with the guidelines and regulations from the Institutional Biosafety Committee at Texas A&M (...
Fig. 1. CT head after initial symptoms at age 49 demonstrating left occipital cortical and subcortical hypointensity consistent with a possible stroke-like event. Additional pertinent findings in the patient's medical history include vision loss with a history of ocular histoplasmosis, hypothyroidism (...
Although MRI provides superior contrast resolution, CT with contrast, in addition to be widely available in most institutions, is arguably as effective and in many ways complementary in the assessment of the head and neck region.24 The arterial phase contrast administered in this CT protocol is ...
Postoperative analgesia for wound healing research could be provided by short-term use of systemic or topical opioids, short-term use of NSAIDs (e.g., carprofen or meloxicam), immediate use of local anesthetics at the time of wound creation, or tramadol local infiltration at the injury site ...
ahiprograminjuryadultheadcoordinator Page1of401/01/08 INTRODUCTION AdultHeadInjury(AHI)Program Purpose TheAHIProgramprovidesassistanceinlocating,coordinatingandpurchasingrehabilitationand psychologicalservicesforindividualswhoaretwenty-one(21)tosixtyfive(65)yearsofage, andwhohavesurvivedatraumaticbraininjury(TBI).RSM...
The 6–8 ml/kg IBW VT was chosen based on lung-protective ventilation guidelines. However, a lower VT might be more appropriate for patients with individualized PEEP undergoing major upper abdominal surgeries. Fifth, although we tested the sensory level of TEA in patients before anesthesia ...