The action is non-stop, but there’s compelling character development too — at least for the four characters whose points of view we get to experience. As for the other three competitors — well, it’s hard to care about them too much when we only see them from the outside, and whil...
I am a mother of three and grandmother to 11. I stayed with their father for more than 20 years believing that somehow I could make him feel loved enough to change. Over time, each of my children has drawn close to me for healing, and pulled away for the same reason. I am, after ...
Also, MY ADULT CHILDREN CUT ME OUT OF THEIR LIFE. Let’s Have a Conversation: Do you still find it hard to let go of your adult children? Or, do you still worry about them and take care of them more than you think you should? Please join the conversation below.Subscribe...
Humans have and depend on volitional consciousness ("free will"). The cost or drawback of having free will is fallibility. We can make mistakes. Even the most intelligent, the very smartest people we can think of, have made some mistakes. Errors can be made in many different ways. A ver...
as well as the involvement of parents or siblings in illegal markets, creates an environment conducive to minors seeking migration to change the trajectory of their lives. Parents, especially foster parents, who are substance dependent should be screened for putting their daughters at risk of being...
perspective on nursing homes, qualitative care, the responsibility of the state to provide support, and perspectives on the increase in the cost of nursing homes. These topics were on a topic list for the pilot study and were reworked, based on the researcher’s experiences in the primary inte...
Ironically, a device that was so liberating in its ability to foster strong peer relationships often felt like a leash to emerging adult children, whose parents used technology to "intrude" into their children's lives, at least as the latter perceived it. Several emerging adults interviewed for...