You may need any of the following:Medicine may be used to help lower your blood pressure. You may need more than one type of medicine. Diuretics help decrease extra fluid that collects in your body. This will help lower your blood pressure. You may urinate more often while you take this...
Your healthcare providers can help you create a physical activity plan. Decrease stress. This may help lower your blood pressure. Learn ways to relax, such as deep breathing or listening to music. Talk to your provider if you have trouble sleeping. Sleep is important for blood pressure ...
When following directions, females have an easier time navigating by environmental rather than Euclidean information, whereas males display the reverse tendency (Saucier et al., 2002). Taken together, these findings indicate that there are consistent sex differences in large-scale spatial strategies, ...
Executive function (EF) refers to a set of cognitive functions that support goal-directed behaviors. Recent findings have suggested that the frontoparietal network (FPN) subserves neural processes that are related to EF. However, the FPN structural and f
Emotion regulation deficits (ERD) are evident in about 34–70% of the adults with ADHD. In contrast to this, they are not considered in the diagnostic criteria of the disorder. In a recent study of our research group using confirmatory factor analysis, w
We used FCC to assess the long-term, cumulative activity of the HPA axis in college students with ADHD. HCC has proven to validly capture the accumulated, integrated long-term activity of the HPA axis43,44,45. At baseline and after the intervention, participants were asked to cut the grown...
For each parent figure, we recoded the four items into dichotomous variables to reflect whether this specific parent was 1 (involved) or 0 (not involved) in this kinkeeping activity. We did so in the following manner: 0 (scores of 6, “neither parent does it” and scores of 1, 2 “...
Functional brain activity analysis For comparison of lipid intensity profiles to the hierarchical organization of the human brain, we build a linear model based on a subset of neocortical regions corresponding to primary, secondary, associative, and limbic cortices. Corresponding numerical values of corti...
Rachel Reinert has also created two coloring books so included in this instruction book are 20 designs for you to follow her directions step by step to create your own masterpieces. She teaches how to shade and highlight hair, feathers, flowers, and leaves, and how to add backgrounds, water...
& Cai, J. Exploring mediators of physical activity in Young Adult Cancer survivors: evidence from a Randomized Trial of a Facebook-based physical activity intervention. J. Adolesc. Young Adult Oncol. 4, 26–33 (2015). PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar McLaughlin, M. et al. A video...