3000m running, male running have been found to increase their HR from an average value of 173.42 beats/min (lap-1) to 202.78 beats/min, recorded during the least that is, the 15th lap as compared to the corresponding values of 185.8 and 206 beats/min recorded in case of female runners...
resting heart rate, VO2maxand peak ventilation (p < 0.010 for all; Table4). In the main meta-analyses, we did not find significant effects of running on the remaining nine health outcomes (p > 0.05 for all). However, in the sensitivity analysis, we found a favourable effect o...
Adult cats acquire complex heart rate response patterns to a CS paired with footshock US. The direction of the heart rate change in the last third of the CS-US interval is acceleratory when the subject performs a unilateral leg flexion, but a deceleration occurs when the motor response is ...
Heart rate and Vo2 were monitored simultaneously in a 575–1 circular respirometer for six fish (three male, three female) at 4° C (mean weight, 1804 g; mean F. L., 62· cm) and six fish (three male, three female) at 10° C (mean weight, 2045 g; mean f. l., 63·2 cm)...
Approximately 20–30% of the adult population has chronic pain3,4 and the socio-demographic factors associated with chronic pain include female sex and older age5. The pathology of CMP involves intricately related biological and psychosocial factors because it has been linked to numerous physical ...
Reproducibility of a self-administered lifetime physical activity questionnaire among female college alumnae. Am J Epidemiol. 2002;155(3):282-289. doi:10.1093/aje/155.3.282PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 32. Smith AW, Cronin KA, Bowles H, et al. Reproducibility of physical activity recall over ...
The increases in T c and heart rate during the first 45 min of exercise (the minimum duration completed for all acclimation bouts) were progressively mitigated with successive days of heat acclimation. Sweat sensitivity (sweat rate increase per 1 掳C increase in T c ) in an area of ...
Among women, CoR likely accumulate predominantly during lactation and pregnancy21,22. Lactation is energetically taxing, while the highly invasive hemochorial placentation of human pregnancy places substantial physiological and immunological demands on the female body23,24,25. At the cellular level, preg...
Semen collection may be performed from the female reproductive tract after mating. This requires euthanasia of the female animal and resection of the whole reproductive tract. In this regard, an overdose of intraperitoneal thiopental or pentobarbital (200 mg/kg) with concentration of 60 mg/mL or ...
To date, the impact of voluntary exercise on the caecal metabolome in a model of gut microbiota disruption remains unexplored, while it has been reported that the main caecal metabolites affected by long term forced exercise in female rats are amino acids [72]. We found enrichment in several...