Scotland –Care Inspectorate Northern Ireland –Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) In England, if you have savings of less than £23,250, you may be able to get financial help from your local authority. They’ll assess your income and assets, looking at the value of any: ...
In August 2021, under pressure from investors and payment providers, the platform announced it would be prohibiting the publication of pornography. At present, in the UK, selling sex is partially criminalised. It is legal to sell and buy sexual services in England, Scotland and Wales, while ...
There is a payment limit depending on the category. Therefore, the nursing care services are selected to not exceed the limit. According to current calculations based on statistics from the MHLW as of March 2019, approximately 18% individuals aged ≥65 years are people certified for the LTCI...
Scotland –Care Inspectorate Northern Ireland –Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority (RQIA) United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) In England, if you have savings of less than £23,250, you may be able to get financial help from your local authority. They’ll assess your income ...