More excellent world-building, strong characters to root for, and a lot of action (and violence – like,Hunger Gameslevels of violence). I could have sworn I took notes on this event – I take notes oneverything– but I can’t find them anywhere. However, I can recommend these books,...
Results obtained after loading the increased abun- dance of metabolites in Fig. 5c pinpointed metabolic path- ways involving aromatic amino acids, namely tyrosine, phe- nylalanine, and tryptophan, along with sulphur compounds (cysteine and reduced glutathione) and other derivatives. On the ...
tutor and therapist, and her writing is often inspired by the amazing stories they tell her. She will watch almost any TV show about high school and has seen every contemporary movie that involves dance battles or superheroes. She is a native of Washington, D.C. and currently lives in...
When I’m not reading, I also love watching animated movies/tv shows, doodling, listening to fictional podcasts (if you haven’t listened toThe Magnus Archives,you absolutely should!), and taking dance classes! I strongly dislike asparagus, white chocolate, and when people don’t use the Oxf...