Adult Children of AlcoholicsForgivenessChildren raised in homes with alcohol dependence often experience relational transgressions at the hands of their alcoholic parents. While much research has been dedicated to the exploration of the lasting effects of parental alcoholism on children into adulthood, ...
Janet G. Woititz, was one of the very first to examine how this childhood affects adulthood. In her research she demonstrated the link between the trauma children in alcoholic/addict homes suffer and its impact on them later in life. Interestingly enough, her research showed how ACOA’s fel...
Learn how to break free from the damaging effects of growing up with alcoholic parents. Discover actionable tips to heal and move forward. Visit now
The present study was designed to investigate whether the personalities of adult children of alcoholics differ in some way from individuals who do not have an alcoholic parent. Women (N = 122) were divided into an adult children of alcoholic parents group (ACAP, n = 61) and an adult childre...
alcoholic parents were—at least sometimes— more devoted to drinking than to affection for their children, ACoAs often have a strong need for affection, which can manifest itself as possessiveness, jealousy, and oversensitivity. Parenthood • Their strong desire to be loved can lead ACoAs...
Spatial learning deficits in adult children of alcoholic parents - Schandler, Cohen, et al. - 1991Schandler, S. L.; Cohen, M.; McArthur, D.; Antick, J.; Brannock, J.: Spatial learning deficits in adult children of alcoholic parents. J. Consult. Clin. Psychol. 59:312-317; 1991....
Adult children of alcoholics and spirituality experiences: Differences from children of non-alcoholics in substance abuse treatment facilities The present study used a correlational design to examine the relationship between one's status as an adult child of an alcoholic (ACOA) or of a non-alcohol....
adult children of dysfunctional families,alcoholic family,alcoholic parents,charles l whitfield,childhood issues,confusions,informative books,journey of discovery,landmark work,mental health,mental illness,perfect sense,poor parenting skills,predicament,remedy,sadness,step groups,trappings,tribulations,unhappiness...
OBJECTIVE: Although the study of children of alcoholics (COAs) has been a highly productive line of inquiry within the alcoholism research arena, there is a limited literature on the nature, degree and pervasiveness of drinking and nondrinking outcomes exhibited by COAs as they move into their...
(1977). Children from alcoholic families. In Estes, N., and Heinemann, M. (eds.)Alcoholism: Development, Consequences, and Interventions, C. V. Mosby, St. Louis. Selzer, M. (1971). The Michigan Alcoholic Screening Test: The quest for a new diagnostic instrument.Am. J. Psychiatry 127...