Find adult vaccine information including reasons for vaccination, vaccination types (including MMR, shingles, meningococcal, HPV, chickenpox, flu, hepatitis, and more), and the latest information on all adult immunizations for travel.
Currently there are 90 vaccine on the Adult Schedule. That is a staggering toxic load, simply staggering. But there are numerous new vaccines for everything from gum disease to behavioral control (immunological and chemical lobotomies!) which will be forced on adults. That bill, S1203 is now ...
“Substantial improvement in adult vaccination is needed to reduce the health consequences of vaccine-preventable diseases among adults.” Given that the adult vaccination schedule can be complicated and difficult for patients to navigate, pharmacists are ideally positioned to help increase their adult ...
Single-antigen vaccine formulations should be administered in a two-dose schedule at either 0 and 6 to 12 months (Havrix), or 0 and 6 to 18 months (Vaqta). If the combined hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine (Twinrix) is used, administer three doses at 0, 1, and 6 months; alternati...
Lastly, all adolescents should be immunized with the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4) and all college students with the meningococcal B vaccine. “The adult immunization schedule is published annually in theAnnals of Internal Medicine, and it’s also available online at the CDC websi...