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Adult Learning and Social Change in the UK: National and Local PerspectivesDuncan, SamRaPAL Journal
Sexual abuse of children is disturbingly frequent, making it critical to understand the behavior of sexual offenders against children. The etiology is not well understood, but likely involves biological, cognitive, and personality factors as well as offe
NOTE:Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group,notcity or specific location. For best results, look through theentirelist, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Signing up for update emails (viaChangeDetection.comlink at ...
The low-nature-exposure groups, who also represented the youngest and lowest SES strata, were the most vocal in discussing environmental degradation and climate change. These groups, more than the medium- and high-exposure groups, connected readily to scenes associated with conservation and ...
All SectionsAdolescentsAgingAirAnthropogenic CircularityBehavioral and Mental HealthBiosafetyChemoenvironmentChildren's HealthClimate ChangeDigital HealthDisabilitiesDisaster MedicineDisease PreventionEmerging ContaminantsEnvironment and Applied EcologyEnvironmental Analysis and MethodsEnvironmental Chemistry and TechnologyEnvironme...
That can even stop you having to move to a new care provider later on if your care needs change. In-home care costs The United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) calculated a minimum price for homecare of £28.53 per hour. It covers the UK Living Wage for careworkers, and ...
We also decided that it was not appropriate to change the primary outcome measure because it had been carefully selected for its relevance, feasibility, and responsiveness, and its use was supported by earlier qualitative work and consultation with the BATH-OUT Public Involvement Group [17]. We ...
(Fig. S6a). Local perfusion of CNO quickly and reversibly inhibited Gi-RV-GFP-transduced cell activity. This resulted from a decrease in both resting potential and action potential firing (Fig. S6b,c,d). No change was seen in control GFP-RV-transduced cell activity (Fig. S6e,f,g). ...
(to include the prohibition of homosexuality and much more) and enforced through the great patriarchal religions, always been with us. These codes and enforcement regimes are not immutable. Cultures change, and perhaps never faster than in our own era, which has seen massive and accelerating ...