Adults with ADHD struggle with disorganization, distractibility, and depression, as well as misdiagnosis. Poor memory and concentration are signs of ADD.
What will I achieve with CogniFit adult ADHD training? Our brain has the ability to adapt to the demands made by cognitive training thanks to " brain plasticity" . CogniFit training for adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder takes advantage of the brain plasticity to help improve ...
But regular exercise and team sports can also help you work together with others, learn to set and meet goals, and feel better about yourself. Some research suggests that physical activity may stimulate parts of the brain associated with ADHD. Activities like yoga and karate may be better for...
8 Illuminating Insights Into ADHD: Making Sense of Your Brain Understanding ADHD and how it affects everyday life often means questioning everything you think you... ADHD-Friendly Jobs “I Love What I Do:” Jobs That Reward People with ADHD The perfect job does not exist… or does it?
While not the most literary of tomes, it is also less clinical than many other books about adult ADHD: there are no scary brain scan images; no harsh or critical language; and we’re not regaled with pathetic case histories that leave us, as newly diagnosed adult ADHDers, crushed and ...
Learn to thrive with Adult ADHD. Explore your unique brain wiring, transcend challenges, and discover the "unmined gold" of your natural strengths.
ADHD Boss is the #1 educational resource for adults with ADHD. ADHD Boss is fueled by proven scientific research, real-life experience and fun.
Learn to say no:Impulsive behavior can be a side effect of having ADHD. This means your brain might bite off more than it can handle. If you find yourself overwhelmed, try to say no to a few things. Ask yourself: Can I really get this done? Be honest with yourself and with others ...
Totally ADD is a website for adults with ADHD. We provide usefule articles, quizzes, advice, video guides, and plenty of humor to help people cope with ADHD
Shifting brain patterns This study focused on 35 adults who were diagnosed with ADHD as children; 13 of them still have the disorder, while the rest have recovered. "This sample really gave us a unique opportunity to ask questions about whether or not the brain basis of ADHD is similar in...