F. et al. Proteomics analysis provides insight into caloric restriction mediated oxidation and expression of brain proteins associated with age-related impaired cellular processes: Mitochondrial dysfunction, glutamate dysregulation and impaired protein synthesis. Neurobiol Aging 27, 1020–1034 (2006). 55. ...
The low spatial frequency of the stimuli may allow for extensive pooling of chromatic information therefore allowing performance of this test to be robust to a parvocellular dysfunction.doi:10.1111/j.1755-3768.2011.465.xJM BLACKDepartment of Optometry and Vision Science, AucklandV LUN...
Thus, for each subject, an individual training schedule was designed based on the initial state of visual performance, severity of dysfunction, and progress in the course of treatment. The treatment was applied in successive 30-minute sessions, administered three times a week, for a total of ...
The scarce functional recovery of the adult CNS following injuries or diseases is largely due to its reduced potential for plasticity, the ability to reorganize neural connections as a function of experience. Recently, some new strategies restoring high levels of plasticity in the adult brain have b...