People with the avoidant/dismissive attachment style tend to have a positive self-view and negative one of others. Consequently, they prefer to foster a high sense of independence and self-sufficiency–especially on an emotional level. Someone with the avoidant attachment style tends to believe that...
Possible Involvement of Avoidant Attachment Style in the Relations Between Adult IBS and Reported Separation Anxiety in Childhood. Stress Health 2015; Epub ahead of print [PMID: 26033751 DOI: 10.1002/smi.2642]Ben-Israel Y, Shadach E, Levy S, Sperber A, Aizenberg D, Niv Y, Dickman R. ...
Avoidant individuals are known to suppress or ignore attachment needs and negative emotional states (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2016) and to believe in needs for hyper-independence (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007). This possibly disrupts processes key to compassion – namely, awareness and acknowledgement of ...
Adult attachment style (AAS) refers to individual differences in the way people experience and regulate their social relationships and corresponding emotions. Based on developmental and psychological research, it has been hypothesized that avoidant attachment style (AV) entails deactivating strategies in ...
Below is a list of dissertations using the AAS. The full version of these dissertations can be found using ProQuest. Sirota, T. H. (1997).A comparison of adult attachment style dimensions between women who have gay or bisexual fathers and women who have heterosexual fathers.New York University...
(1) Secure attachment style with a mean score ≥ 3 on the total Closeness scale and total Dependence Scale and a mean < 3 on the total Anxiety scale. (2) Anxious attachment style with a mean score ≥ 3 on the total Anxiety scale. (3) Avoidant attachment style with a ...
A global scale of attachment style based on supportive relationships (with partner and very close others) together with attitudes to support-seeking, derived the four styles paralleling those from self-report attachment assessments (Secure, Enmeshed, Fearful, Avoidant ). In order to additionally ...
The Anxious-Avoidant type of person is both anxious and avoidant of intimate relationships. He can appear to be commitment phobic in his way of relating. The Preoccupied personality is ambivalent in her attachment style. You get mixed messages from her where she seems to ...
Dismissing-avoidant pattern of attachment and mimicry reactions at different levels of information processing. Scand J Psychol 45: 103–113. Sroufe LA, Egeland B, Carlson E, Collin WA (2005). The development of the person: the Minnesota study of risk and adaptation from birth to adulthood. ...
A third study used daily diaries to show that avoidant attachment predicted less relationship visibility for the respondent and the partner, while anxious attachment (respondent's or partner's) was not associated with visibility. Three recent studies looked at the relationship between attachment style ...