Sensory Overload: How to Recognize and Manage the Symptoms Brain Breaks: 10 Ideas and Activities for Kids at School 50 Best Teacher and OT Recommended Toys for Autism What is a Sensory Diet? (Examples) Weighted Doll DIY DIY Light Box Easy Glitter Sensory Bottle 2.2K Shares 2.2K More Post...
socialization and sensory processing can be helpful. The operative word here is short. You don’t need to give the person a TED talk on autism. Just share a few facts relevant to your situation, including what kind of accommodations or supports you’re requesting. ...
And on the second session they told me that I am on the spectrum and rather have ‘broad autistic phenotype’ than ‘autism’ because my screening scores are very high but not as high as they would be in case I had autism, so they guess that my autism is ‘light’ or ‘compensated’...