The Adult Attachment Scale (AAS) was officially developed in 1990 but built on the earlier work of Hazen & Shaver (1987) and Levy & Davis (1988). The scale was developed by decomposing the original three prototypical descriptions (Hazen & Shaver, 1987) into a series of 18 items. The ...
These include the following: Adult Attachment Interview (George, Kaplan, and Main); Adult Attachment Projective (George and West); Adult Attachment Questionnaire (Simpson, Rholes, and Phillips); Adult Attachment Scale (and Revised Adult Attachment Scale) (Collins and Read); Attachment Style ...
Mammalians gamete production takes place in the testis but when they exit this organ, although spermatozoa have acquired a specialized and distinct morphology, they are immotile and infertile. It is only after their travel in the epididymis that sperm ga
were given both the Adult Attachment Projective (AAP) and the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), which was scored for defense mechanism use with Cramer's Defense Mechanism Manual (DMM).The AAP's four scoring categories were condensed into two groups reflecting secure and insecure attachment. These...
It has a total of 28 items rated on a 5-point Likert scale with higher scores indicating higher exposure to traumatic experiences. In addition to a dimensional scoring procedure, the manual provides threshold scores to determine the severity of abuse and neglect (none ¼ 0, low ¼ 1, ...
Responses are provided on a seven-point Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree), and nine items are repeated four times to assess attachment avoidance and anxiety in relation to four key attachment figures: mother or mother-like figure; father or father-like figure; ...
Before attaching the EtCO2 nasal cannula to the patient, check proper preparation and attachment of the sensor tubing. Check and replace tubing, if needed. Ensure adequate surveillance of the patient. Ensure alarms are audible, consider alarm ...
[72], patients scoring high on narcissism [64], police involvement [69,74], non-Norwegian origin of patients [62,74], patients having refugee status [63], centralized psychiatric beds [60], and patients not being known by the referring doctors [74]. The findings suggest that Norwegian ...
from the tibial side, dislocated and with large dimensions, without associated ligamentary lesions; he has undergone surgical treatment – open reduction and internal fixation, of the avulsions, and the follow up was at least six months, presenting good outcome using the Tegner–Lysholm scale. ...
Among the different perspectives from which we studied SAD, we also retrospectively investigated some neurodevelopmental correlates, namely adult attachment style [30] and behavioral inhibition (BI) [35]. Surprisingly, given the similarities of these syndromes, studies of the impact of BI on adult ...