Take a look at our blog to learn more about neurodiversity. News and Blog Find Out About Other Neurodifferences Dyslexia DCD (Dyspraxia) Dyscalculia Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) Cognitive Functioning Difficulties
diagnostic interview schedule for DSM-IV; SSADDA, semi-structured assessment for drug dependence and alcoholism; SCID-I, structured clinical interview for DSM-IV for axis I disorders; DSM-IV, diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition; DSM-IV-TR, DSM-IV text revision...
DyspraxiaAdultsScreeningAssessmentDevelopmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD), also known as Dyspraxia in the United Kingdom (U.K.), is a developmental disorder affecting motor co-ordination. In the past this was regarded as a childhood disorder, however there is increasing evidence that a ...
Over the years we have developed several unique, specific assessment and intervention protocols that are not found elsewhere outside of our center. Besides our wonderfully loyal local clients, we regularly receive clients and families from different parts of the world as they cannot find similar serv...