ADS-B Exchange has free and paid API services to those who set up a feeder to collect data and commercial users, respectively. The revenue from paid API access is used to offset the costs of collecting and storing the data. ADSBexchange data collection requires that one can freely participate...
Explanation of data fields: Aircraft database (updated daily from government and various sources): Please note that all files are in gzip compressed format. “traces” and “hires-traces”...
ADS-B Exchange- A flight tracking company that offers high fidelity, stable, and secure flight tracking service. It was started by volunteers and flight enthusiasts but was recently acquired byJETNET. PlaneFinder.net1- A United Kingdom-based real-time flight tracking service shows global flight ...
One of this forks main uses is to be the backend for the global map at that purpose it's used in conjunction with tar1090 with some extra options to cope with the number of aircraft and also record a history of flight paths:
coords, tile).then(err => done(err, tile)); return tile; } }); const layer_options = { tileSize: 1024, minZoom: 2, maxZoom: 19, minNativeZoom: 2, maxNativeZoom: 16, attribution: '© Alexey Milovidov, ClickHouse, Inc. (data:,,' }... currently aggregates data from nearly 1700 feeders globally; they have a legal agreement preventing sale of this data (to avoid situations like with adsbexchange); they share the data on a selective basis; advertises open and unfiltered access, but...