payment Technology Providers. Benefit from ad revenue. wysiwyg Publishers. Monetise their content. emoji_people Consumers. Monetise their time and attention. developer_mode Creative's & Developers. Join in the advertising process. verified_user Advertisers. Create, buy, verify and optimise ads.Have...
1.所见即所得(WYSIWYG)设计工具,设计师也能参与程序开发 2.支持多模式、多摄像机渲染 3.UI 元素与游戏场景融为一体的交互 4.面向对象的编程 缺点: 成熟度不够高,有很多需要注意的地方,否则容易产生很多性能上的问题。
What We Like: The Elements theme is easy to use and highly customizable with aWYSIWYG editor.You also have the ability to use a custom CSS if you need to make more advanced customizations. For a live example, check out thiswebsiteput together with...