Error generating netlist for "sssss_lib:cell_1:schematic": Failed to create netlist:In design `...
Error generating netlist for "LNA3_lib:2DCbias:schematic": Failed to create netlist:The instance "X1" in the design "LNA3_lib:2DCbias:schematic" is from a library that is not open.Open the library "atf54143_010407_lib".: Failed to get data for library "atf54143_010407_lib". The ...
17.ADS导入芯片时 Failed to create netlist:是为什么 18.ADS2013 EM仿真老出错,请哪位指导一下,...
谢谢ERROR: (stdcmds.ael line 282, column 5) Error generating netlist for "Diff_Line_lib:Diff_Cell:schematic": Failed to create netlist:In design `Diff_Line_lib:Diff_Cell:schematic':The instance `X1' has 4 pins, but the view `Diff_Line_lib:Diff_Cell:schematic' has 0 pins....
Error generating netlist for "rectifiercircuit_lib:cell_23:myschematic": Failed to create netlist: There is no corresponding terminal for P2POSco∩ectedbyposition2'∈the≠tlistedviewP2POSco∩ectedbyposition2′∈the≠tlistedviewrectifiercircuit_lib:cell_23:schematic'." But as you can see in the...
I'm trying to do the impedance matching of a rectifier. However, it always show ERROR: (stdcmds.ael line 282, column 5) Error generating netlist for "MyFirstWorkspace_lib:cell_1:schematic": Failed to create netlist: There is no corresponding terminal for P1'∈the≠tlistedviewP1′∈the≠...
Error generating netlist for "NXP_LDMOS_modelTest_01_lib:cell_1:schematic": Failed to create netlist: In design `NXP_LDMOS_modelTest_01_lib:cell_1:schematic': The instance `I__0' has 4 pins, but the view `AFT27S010N_Level2_Rev0_DK:FSL_AFT27S010N_Level2_Rev0...
1. 打开原理图,找到工具栏中的"Create Netlist"图标,或者直接选择菜单命令"Tools/Create Netlist…",这将弹出一个对话框。 2. 在对话框中,按照提示进行相应的设置和配置,确保所有设计元素都被正确地包含在生成的网表中。另一种方式也是类似的:1. 同样使用OrCAD Capture,找到并点击"Create Netlist" ...
Error generating netlist for "NXP_LDMOS_modelTest_01_lib:cell_1:schematic": Failed to create netlist: In design `NXP_LDMOS_modelTest_01_lib:cell_1:schematic': The instance `I__0' has 4 pins, but the view `AFT27S010N_Level2_Rev0_DK:FSL_AFT27S010N_L...
Failed to create netlist:In design `VJN3106_lib:RF_match:schematic':The instance `X2' has 5 ...