在理论物理学中,AdS/CFT对偶(英语:AdS/CFT correspondence)又称马尔达西那对偶(英语:Maldacena duality)和规范/引力对偶(英语:gauge/gravity duality),全称为反德西特/共形场论对偶(英语:Anti-de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory correspondence),是两种物理理论间的假想联系。对偶的一边是共形场论,是量子场论的一种,量子...
/共形场论对偶(Anti-de Sitter/Conformal field theory correspondence,简称AdS/CFT correspondence)是起源于超弦理论的一个想法。超弦理论是统一自然界中四种基本力:也就是引力,电磁力,弱力和强力的统一理论的主要候选者。 粗略的说,AdS/CFT对偶说的是以下两个理论之间的等价关系: 强耦合的四维规范理论=五维AdS时空...
A. S. T. Pires, Ads/CFT correspondence in condensed matter, arXiv:1006.5838 [cond-mat.str-el].A. S. T. Pires, "Ads/CFT correspondence in condensed matter," arXiv:1006.5838 [cond- mat.str-el].A. Pires, Ads/CFT correspondence in condensed matter , arXiv:1006.5838 [ INSPIRE...
这是我的 BSc学位论文,主题关于 AdS/CFT correspondence 以及它的应用。本文主要论述了 AdS/CFT 的原始推导,全息推导,以及在全息纠缠熵中的应用。 AdS/CFT correspondence 是 String Theory 在低能条件下的一个重要结果,它将一个 Conformal Field Theory 与高一维的引力相联系,从而触发了使用引力理论解决诸多场论问题...
全息对偶理论 AdS/CFT Correspondence 个人倾向IFQ(it from qubit)的立场,也看过些“引力是量子纠错码”、“引力是熵力”等令人虎躯一震的观点,感觉种种美妙图象,应该不止是数学巧合。 冥冥之中,非定域性的『纠缠机制』似乎才是本质,『时空』乃至『引力』不过妳在此之上一场“幻觉”。
Providing a pedagogical introduction to the rapidly developing field of AdS/CFT correspondence, this is one of the first texts to provide an accessible introduction to all the necessary concepts needed to engage with the methods, tools and applications of AdS/CFT. Without assuming anything beyond ...
The information paradox in the quantum evolution of black holes is studied within the framework of the anti-de Sitter-conformal field theory (AdS-CFT) correspondence. The unitarity of the CFT strongly suggests that all information about an initial state that forms a black hole is returned in the...
Maldacena, J. (2024). The AdS/CFT Correspondence. In: Bambi, C., Modesto, L., Shapiro, I. (eds) Handbook of Quantum Gravity. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3079-9_65-1 Download citation https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3079-9_65-1 ...
获取原文并翻译|示例 摘要 The AdS/CFT duality is an equivalence between string theory and gauge theory. The duality allows one to use calculations done in classical gravity to derive results in strongly-coupled field theories. This thesis explores several applications of the duality that have some ...