有海外媒体报道称,奥地利汽车制造商Austro Daimler将推出首款车型:Bergmeister ADR 630 Shooting Grand。此车为一台插电式混合动力车型,搭载了一套由一台直列六缸发动机和三台电机组成的混动系统。有好多车迷朋友们听说这一消息,都为之雀跃,接下来就跟随小编来了解下这款热点车型吧。 首先我们先了解下历史,Austro D...
The two vehicles also have similar weights. While the Bergmeister weighs 1,650 kg, the AMG GT goes from 3,561 lb up to 3,627 lb (1,615 kg to 1,645 kg). The engine, on the other hand, is different: a 3-liter six-cylinder for the Austro Daimler and a 4-liter V8 for the Mer...
The Bergmeister is able to reach 205 mph (330 km/h) of top speed and goes from 0 to 62 mph (100 km/h) in 2.5 s. There is still no word on prices or production, but we know for sure they will be inversely proportional. Source:Autocar Gallery: Bergmeister ADR 630 Shooting Grand P...