As we transition to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex and uncertain environment, our Army requires intelligent, competent, physically and mentally tough leaders of character. Decentralized operations require leaders at all levels that understand their environment, learn quickly, make sound ...
44、第一部分 缩略语表ADP Army Doctrine Publication 陆军条令出版物APS Army Prepositioned Stocks 陆军预置储备APOD Aerial port of debarkation 卸载空港CCDR Combatant Commander 作战指挥官CONUS continental United States 美国本土ESC Expeditionary Sustainment Command 远征保障司令部HNS Host Nation Support 东道国支...
(fFoiguurrree8a)c.tiTohne ssyizsetsemofs:thwe iPthARMygla2t+e,dYB-1, both,PBoiAormRwoPleic1tuhlmesoo2u0let19ct,uh9l,eexmsFwO(RFeriPegEuEeRsrteRimE9V)a.ItEeWd by means of the AFM images obtained for four reaction sy1s6teomf 2s6: with Mg2+, YB-1, both, or without them (...