Foreword The Army’s contribution to Joint Operations is Unified Land Operations executed through Decisive Action and guided by Mission Command. ADP 3-0, Operations, is the Army’s capstone doctrine that captures the most critical lessons from a decade o
1-8. Army leaders at all echelons master the art and science of tactics—two distinct yet inseparable concepts—to solve the problems they will face on the battlefield. A tactical problem occurs when the mission variables—mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time ...
ADP 3-37 Protection ADP 3-90 Offense & Defense ADP 4-0 Sustainment ADP 5-0 The Operations Process ADP 6-0 Mission Command ADP 6-22 Army Leadership ADP 7-0 Training Units and Developing Leaders Army Programs AR 27-10 Militrary Justice AR 350-1 CH 3&4 NCOES & NCODP AR 350-30...
during or after conflict in support of Unified Land Operations across the range of military operations guided by Mission CommandThe concept of unified land operations describes how the Army seizes, retains, and exploits the initiative to gain and maintain a position of relative advantage in sustained...
Army. Training doctrine is again based on the Army’s operations and planning processes, now defined by ADP 3-0, Unified Land Operations, and ADP 5-0, The Operations Process. Mission command makes the commander responsible for unit readiness and leader development. Unit commanders must be the ...
Army Doctrine Publication (ADP) 6-0 presents the Army’s guidance on command, control, and the mission command warfighting function. This publication concisely describes how commanders, supported by their staffs, combine the art of command and the science of control to understand situations, make ...
4-0 Sustainment ADP 5-0 The Operations Process ADP 6-0 Mission Command ADP 6-22 Army Leadership ADP 7-0 Training Units and Developing Leaders Army Programs AR 27-10 Militrary Justice AR 350-1 CH 3&4 NCOES & NCODP AR 350-30 Code of Conduct AR 525-28 Personnel Recovery AR 600-20 ...
rapid concentration of friendly strengths against enemy vulnerabilities. Friendly forces achieve agility through rigorous and realistic training, well-known and drilled unit standard operating procedures, maintained and continuously shared understanding and estimates, and the use of the mission command ...
ADP 6-0, C2 Change No. 2 Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, DC, 12 March 2014 Mission Command 1. 2. 3. This change replaces the mission command staff tas...CopyRight © 2022-2023 北京三目智汇科技咨询有限公司 | 冀ICP备18004110号 站长统计 地址:北京市 业务/商务:张老师:...
2-5 任务变量描述了指挥官和参谋执行战术艺术和科学的条件。在军事决策过程中,对这些任务变量的分析是至关重要的。指挥官在作战过程中需要考虑每个变量。(有关任务变量的更多信息,请参阅ADRP 3-0。) Mission Variables Mission Enemy Terrain and weather ...