by the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997; child welfare guidelines set forth in the President's Initiative on Permanency Planning; the controversy surrounding privatization of child welfare services; and the use of kinship care as an alternative to traditional foster care and adoption practices...
having been separated from their mothers and culture, having experienced adversity prior to adoption—that adversity (including violence, neglect, medical conditions) is often the reason children are in need of adoption, or of safe, functioning families in any case. The American Academy of Pediatrici...
You can find your U.S. representative in the Househere., and your U.S. Senatorshere. You can send a brief email saying you are their constituent and you want them to co-sponsor the Adoptee Citizenship Act. It’ll take just a few minutes, and it could make an enormous difference. Th...
I want to be able to be able to share with our donors that the little embie made it, that they were the one and that I will do my very best to keep them safe and comfy for the next 9 months. I want to be able to tell little JJ that this one worked, that she will have a...
Initially, the federal program was created in response to President Bush’s push to use cryopreserved embryos to create families and steer away donations from human embryonic stem cell research. Since 2002, over 22 million dollars has been spent by the federal government on the awareness programs....
Protection and local auto-manufacturers over the implementation of a motor vehicle emission standards and compliance program similar to California's. History of California's program; Analysis of the parties' respective arguments; Clean Air Act; Role of federal and state governments in curbing air ...