Only adopt puppies or kittens if you can make ample time for them every day. Make sure you have ample funds and facilities for maintaining the pet you want to adopt. Free Pet Games Another way to enjoy pets is by playing pet games. Some people play pet themed games all the time whi...
Get our free mobile app Kat Mykals, TSMSpreading the (Cat) Love As the resident "crazy cat lady," around here, I feel like it's important to spread the word about National Adopt a Shelter Cat Month. My own fluffy buddy, Jupiter Jack is a shelter cat, and I am a firm believer in...
They could say it is the Mayor who goes behind his building to sodomize puppies like this one…then what? Suzy Forwood says: at Sick sick fuckin perverts. may god strke you with infertility and dementia. rebecca pearson says: at I am horrified by this hideous act. People who do ...