【CAD+SU模型】Adolf Loos阿道夫路斯作品集-米勒穆勒缪勒住宅别墅-Moller House+Villa Müller 柯布西耶 创作声明:内容包含虚构创作 13 人赞同了该文章 【CAD+SU模型】Adolf Loos阿道夫路斯作品集-米勒穆勒缪勒住宅别墅-Moller House+Villa Müller发布于 2021-03-05 11:55...
如在Tzara house,Müller house中,这似乎是要通过立面来暗示一些内部的空间,但是,这里问题3,loos的建筑内部空间虽然有轴线,但常常在轴线两侧的房间功能差别很大,或者平面本就不对称,如Moller house,但表现在立面上,却常常将这种房间的特殊性简化成对称的立面形式,不同功能的房间以相同的面貌呈现在立面上,这与“Raumpl...
Loos住宅空间的公共性与私密性 在《秘境与奇观:阿道夫路斯的室内》(Intimacy and Spectacle: the Interiors of Adolf Loos)中,克罗米娜(Beatriz Colomina)集中讨论了路斯的住宅设计中一种独特的小空间——以莫勒住宅(Moller House)和穆勒住宅(Müller House) 为例,它是一块让人坐下促膝... 2019-10-21 00:12...
Moller HouseAdolf LoosArchitectural historians describe Adolf Loos's 1928 Moller House as having an interior spatial arrangement that constructs unequal or asymmetrical visual interactions between inhabitants, putting some on display and positioning others as observers. However, there is disagreement about ...
Adolf Loos-Villa Mollerv-1927;平面图、剖面图 Adolf Loos-Villa Müller-1930 克罗米娜研究中特别指出Adolf Loos室内空间中的看与被看的模糊性空间,其实也是一个带有性别的空间,它所代表的空间和很多传统的建筑空间是相关联的,如伊斯兰教传统建筑中的mashrabiya窗,女性躲在后面,可以看到庭院里,而在外面的人则看不...
The Moller house in Vienna and the Müller house in Prague employed the Raumplan method to the fullest. They are considered Loos’s masterpieces. Loos died on August 23, 1933 in the town of Kalksburg, near Vienna. He was 62. His work had a tremendous influence on important 20th-century ...
Representative buildings designed by Loos include many houses in Vienna, Austria—notably the Steiner House, (1910), Haus Strasser (1918), Horner House (1921), Rufer House (1922), and the Moller House (1928). However, Villa Müller (1930) in Prague, Czechoslovakia, is one of his most stud...
181 Christopher Long Adolf Loos and His Czech Assistants Fig. 3. Adolf Loos: Villa Moller, Vienna, 1926–1927 (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Bildarchiv) 182 Loos's condition improved, and he was finally able to leave the sanatorium in Veleslavín. On 4 December, he moved to the ...