“When we find a hill in the woods ,six feet long and three feet wide,shovelled up into the form of a pyramid,we become serious,and something inside us says:Somebody is burried here.That is architecture” ——Adolf Loos."Architecture" Vienna 1990. 这是loos的一段话,从中似乎可以看出loos对...
not to let the gaze pass through.(一个有教养的人不需要看窗外;他的窗子是磨砂玻璃;只需要让光线射入,而无需视线穿透。)”(哈哈,Loos毫不羞涩的用了cultivated这个词)Beatriz Colomina分析了Loos多个住宅中的theater box,具体到Villa Müller中的theater...
Adolf Loos ——读<Raumplan versus Plan Libre>的一些想法和问题 “When we find a hill in the woods ,six feet long and three feet wide,shovelled up into the form of a pyramid,we become serious,and something inside us says:Somebody is burried here.That is architecture” ——Adolf Loos."...
Discover the latest Architecture news and projects on Adolf Loos at ArchDaily, the world's largest architecture website. Stay up-to-date with articles and updates on the newest developments in architecture.
Adolf Loos(1870-1933)is one of the greatest architects in the twentieth century.While in China, despite his fame and importance,we know little about his works and thoughts other than "Ornament is Crime". This paper sets ou...
The Architecture of Adolf Loos 《The Architecture of Adolf Loos》是Precision Press出版的图书,作者是Yehuda Safran,Wilfried Wang
耶胡达·赛峰(Yehuda Safran)先生为此编著图书《阿道夫·路斯的建筑:英国艺术理事会展览》(The architecture of Adolf Loos: an Arts Council exhibition)。紧接着,由马克斯·里瑟拉达(Max Risselada)主编的《阿道夫·路斯和勒·柯布西耶:空间设计与自由平面》(Adolf Loos and Le Corbusier: Raumplan Versus Plan Libre...
But Loos’ daring also won him a wide swath of admirers. His buildings represented an important rejection of both the 19th-century historicist architecture so beloved by the monarchy and the then-fashionable art nouveau, which celebrated ornamentation through the ostentatious application of florid and...