A meta-analysis of the social communication questionnaire: screening for autism spectrum disorder. Autism. 2017;21:920–8. https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361316660065. Article PubMed Google Scholar Chiarotti F, Venerosi A. Epidemiology of autism spectrum disorders: a review of worldwide prevalence ...
2000) or DSM 5 (American Psychiatric Association,2013) criteria for a neurodevelopmental disorder (e.g., Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum
Impact of one-year pandemic on children with autism spectrum disorder. Cogent Med. 2021;8:2002558. Google Scholar 26. Garcia JM, Lawrence S, Brazendale K, Leahy N, Fukuda D. Brief report: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health behaviors in adolescents with...
Multiple cognitive capabilities/deficits in children with an autism spectrum disorder: "Weak" central coherence and its relationship to theory of mind and ... This study examined the validity of central coherence (CC) in the context of multiple cognitive capabilities/deficits in autism. Children with...
Autism Spectrum Disorders Behavioral Disorders Child Abuse Child Development Childhood Obesity Childhood Trauma Childhood Vaccines Congenital Disorders Contraception For Adolescents Cystic Fibrosis Developmental Screening Eating Disorders Growth Charts Growth Milestones Immunization Schedule Infant Development Assessment In...
whose messages are typically drier and possibly confusing. This dichotomy can lead to public distrust, which can propagate familiar fears such as vaccines causing autism, autoimmune problems, or other health issues. Accordingly, messages from the medical community about vaccines should...
Inclusion criteria were sufficient proficiency in English to consent to research and complete the necessary assessments, and exclusion criteria were a diagnosis of schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder, an autism spectrum diagnosis, or an IQ of less than 70. Of N = 481 adolescents who were ...
Most of the studies (57.1%) did not use a standardized tool to evaluate the outcomes of interest [22,33,35,43,59,62,63,64,65,66,67,68]. One-third (33.3%) of the studies used the Knowledge about Childhood Autism among HCWs (KCAHW) questionnaire [39,40,57,58,62,63,64]. The tw...
In addition, no studies were included on a number of important outcomes or vulnerable groups, including studies of children with learning difficulties or autism or studies of eating disorders or substance use. Sixth, because of heterogeneity of study designs and measures, it was not possible to ...
All participants were male, Caucasian and were compensated for participation (85–100€). The following inclusion criteria were applied to both groups: age between 14 and 18 years (18 years included); male; IQ of 100 ± 30; no alcohol or substance abuse; no autism spectrum disorders, ...