將PDF 檔案轉換為 Word 文件 使用Adobe Acrobat,可輕鬆將 PDF 檔案轉換回易於編輯的 Word 文件。 開始免費試用 從PDF 複製貼上以建立 Microsoft Word 文件的工作,不僅艱鉅,且又繁瑣。現在只需按幾下滑鼠,就可以將 PDF 轉換回格式化的 DOCX 或 DOC 檔案,因此開始新的專案時也不必從頭開始。
Convert your PDFs to WORD, HTML, TXT, PNG, JPG, SVG, PPT, or TIFF, and utilize handy PDF tools like Split, Merge, Lock, Unlock, Delete, Delete Blank Page, and Rotate. Download PDF Converter today and enjoy seamless file conversions. ...
• Use our PDF converter tool to convert PDFs to and from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, JPG, and other file formats. • Create a PDF from a document or image, including converting JPG to PDF. • Combine files into a single PDF file o...
直接在您的行動裝置上,將 Microsoft 365 檔案 (包括 Word 文件、Excel 試算表和 PowerPoint 簡報) 轉換為強大的 PDF,讓您隨時隨地輕鬆工作。 如何將 Word 文件轉換為 PDF: 在Microsoft Word 中開啟檔案。 將Word 文件轉換為 PDF: 在Windows,按一下「Acrobat」索引標籤,然後按一下「建立 PDF」。
In addition, Adobe is also the best PDF converter that you should never miss. We can use Adobe Acrobat to convert PDFs into any format, such as Spreadsheet, PPT, Excel, etc. The Pro version of this tool lets us convert Word files into PDFs right from Microsoft Word or Microsoft Office...
AdobeAcrobat Pro DC is the leadingPDF converterand much more. Adobe Acrobat Pro DC software lets you deliver professional PDF communications. It’s packed with smart tools that give you even more power to communicate. Create andedit PDF fileswith rich media included, share information more securel...
Fully compatible with macOS Monterey 12.0.1 and Microsoft Office Word 2020, PDF to Word Pro Edition is the best PDF to Word converter on Mac, exporting PDF files to fully-formatted and editable office word documents and plain text documents without Internet required, and it retains original text...
Fully compatible with macOS Monterey 12.0.1 and Microsoft Office Word 2020, PDF to Word Pro Edition is the best PDF to Word converter on Mac, exporting PDF files to fully-formatted and editable office word documents and plain text documents without Internet required, and it retains original text...
Fully compatible with macOS Monterey 12.0.1 and Microsoft Office Word 2020, PDF to Word Pro Edition is the best PDF to Word converter on Mac, exporting PDF files to fully-formatted and editable office word documents and plain text documents without Internet required, and it retains original text...
- Validation fails for PDF/A-1A compliant file created from 3height converter shellCombine:- Combine app is opening for multiple tabs and multiple windows of Acrobat whereas it should open for just one window/tabAdobe Acrobat Reader DC 2015.017.50050New product features:- This release provides ...