在Experience Manager中,使用IMS帳戶設定Adobe Stock雲端服務。 建立IMS設定 IMS設定使用Adobe Stock權益驗證您的Experience Manager Assets作者執行個體。 IMS 設定包括兩個步驟: 取得公開憑證 設定IMS帳戶 取得公開憑證 公開金鑰(憑證)會在Adobe Developer Console中驗證您的產品設定檔。 登入您...
使用完整獨特的工具來自訂文字、顏色和影像,打造獨一無二的作品。 探索Photoshop 功能 擴充影像到邊界之外 使用生成式擴張,並配合能直接融入場景的新內容來擴張任何影像。現在使用最新的 Adobe Firefly 影像模型。 更快地找到字體並輕鬆格式化清單 在應用程式內使用改進的字體瀏覽器,探索超過 25,000 種字體。使用文字...
Search Adobe Stock for millions of royalty-free stock images, photos, graphics, vectors, video footage, illustrations, templates, 3d assets and high-quality premium content. Try risk-free today.
组织可以将其企业Adobe Stock计划与Experience Manager Assets集成,以确保许可资产可广泛用于其创意和营销项目,并具有Experience Manager的强大资产管理功能。 Experience Manager用户无需离开Experience Manager界面,即可快速查找、预览和许可Experience Manager中保存的Adobe Stock资源。 集成Experience Manager和Adobe Stock Exper...
查看类似过滤器需要Adobe Stock文件编号 访问控制 管理员可以在设置Adobe Stock云服务配置时,向某些用户/组提供许可Stock资源的权限。 如果特定用户/组无权许可Stock资产,则将禁用Stock资产搜索/资产许可功能。 使用AEM Assets设置Adobe Stock 通过AEM 6.4.2,用户可直接从AEM搜索、预览、保存和许可Adobe Stock...
From within the Experience Manager user interface, users can search Adobe Stock assets and license the required assets. Add Location: Adobe Stock in the Omnisearch bar. You can also use Filters panel to find all the licensed or unlicensed assets or search a specific asset using Adob...
XD — CC Libraries. Select the shopping cart icon on the asset you are previewing. You will then be taken to the Adobe Stock website to license the asset. Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy Споделететазистраница ...
Adobe Stock puts over 100 million high-quality assets at creatives’ fingertips. So they can easily access, manage, and license them right from inside the Adobe Creative Cloud apps they love.
Adobe Stock assets.Accelerate content personalization at scale by designing and editing images using Adobe Stock photos, design elements, and thousands of custom fonts. Token-based personalization Marketers can define specific variables (i.e., tokens) within their emails, landing pages, web campaigns,...
Inauthentic stock images may create a poor first impression for visitors. Image creditAdobe Stock. Use high-quality assets with no distortion.The quality of the visual assets on your website can have a tremendous impact on the user’s impression. Pixelated images make visitors doubt the quality ...