1、首先打开浏览器,百度搜索“reader fontpacks”,回车确定。2、然后直接去官网找到reader fontpacks,直接点击【Proceed to Download】下载。3、下载完成后,将FONTPACK双击进行安装。4、然后在弹出来的窗口中选择【complete】,点击【next】,等待安装完毕。5、然后重新打开Adobe Reader,就解决问题了。
/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/how-do-i-change-font-size-in-adobe-acrobat-reader-dc/td-p/7327517Jun 29, 2015Jun 29, 2015 Copy link to clipboard Copied In my previous version, Adobe Reader X, the menu bar had a tab for setting the font size to any % desired. I don't ...
Edit>Preferences>Page Display>Select "Use Local Fonts">Click OK>Close the PDF and Adobe Reader.Does the change in the settings brings any difference in the PDF? If the issue persists, most likely the problem is that the PDF file does not have "DavidD" font embedded in the PDF ...
借助Adobe Document Cloud 字体包和拼写词典,可显示以非 Acrobat Reader 本机支持的语言编写的文档,并与这些文档进行交互。当作者未将合适的字体嵌入到文档中时,需要正确显示文档。当作者确实嵌入了字体,但文档读者却希望以某种方式(例如,通过协作、注释或填写表单)与内容进行交互时,也需要正确显示文档。
How to Change Font Color in Adobe Reader Advertisement Adjusting Text To adjust the position of text on the page after changing the font size, mouse over the box around the text until the mouse pointer changes to a four-way arrow. Click and hold, then drag the text box to the new locat...
Step 1: Download Adobe Acrobat Reader Download Adobe Reader add bookmark on your Mac computer and follow the simple instruction on installing the program. Launch Adobe Acrobat Reader on your Mac device and open the document file that you intend to edit, insert and add Adobe Acrobat bookmarks. ...
Adobe Acrobat Reader 使用我们的免费 Acrobat Reader 软件查看、签名、协作处理和注释 PDF 文件。要轻松编辑 PDF 并将其转换为 Excel 和 Word 等文件格式,请尝试使用 PDF 编辑器和转换器 Acrobat Pro. 下载Acrobat Reader 更多下载选项 免费为您消除文书工作的烦恼 查看、存储并共享 PDF 获得所有类型的 PDF 内容的...
In the Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app, select the Fontsicon. Thepage opens in a browser window. You can also log in toAdobe Fontsand go directly to yourManage Fontspage. To the right of any font you want to delete, select>Remove family. ...
Reader扩展服务:通过扩展具有附加使用权限的Adobe Reader的功能,使您的组织可以轻松共享交互式PDF文档。 该服务激活在使用Adobe Reader打开PDF文档时不可用的功能,例如向文档添加注释、填写表单和保存文档。 有关详细信息,请参阅Reader扩展服务。 签名服务:允许您在AEM服务器上处理数字签...