Vous pouvez également prendre une photo de votre signature à l’aide de l’application mobile Adobe Acrobat Reader et l’enregistrer dans Adobe Document Cloud. De cette manière, elle est synchronisée et peut être utilisée sur votre ordinateur ou d’autres appareils mobiles. Pour en savoir ...
Dans l’angle supérieur droit du module, les hôtes peuvent cliquer sur Pause ou sur le menu du module pour accéder aux options Fermer le flux, Modifier le flux ou Mettre en silence. Articles connexes Son des réunions Adobe Connect ...
Adobe Acrobat Reader version acrobatVersion string Select the minimum version of Acrobat Reader required to open the PDF document. Returns response PDFResult Generate a PS, PCL, ZPL, DPL, IPL, or TPCL file from a template and data (Preview)Operation...
第一步:首先使用Adobe Reader 打开待转换的PDF文件,接下来选择“文件→打印”菜单,在打开的“打印”设置窗口中将“打印机”栏中的“ 名称”设置为“Microsoft Office Document Image Writer”,确认后 将该PDF文件输出为MDI格式的虚拟打印文件。 oapdf.com It is identical to Adobe Reader program and adds high...
Adobe Acrobat Reader version acrobatVersion string Select the minimum version of Acrobat Reader required to open the PDF document. Returns response PDFResult Generate a PS, PCL, ZPL, DPL, IPL, or TPCL file from a template and data (Preview)Operation...
Governing Law.This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws in force: (a) in the State of California, if a license to the Software is obtained when you are in the United States, Canada, or Mexico; or (b) in Japan, if a license to the Softwa...
Governing Law.This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws in force: (a) in the State of California, if a license to the Software is obtained when you are in the United States, Canada, or Mexico; or (b) in Japan, if a license to the Softwa...
CAD $78.99/moCAD $39.49/mofor the first 3 months. Annual paid monthly plan.See terms Save todayLearn more 此Adobe 网站与您的位置不匹配 根据您的位置,我们建议您访问中国的网站,该网站会为您提供本地内容、产品和价格。 中国Canada
Acrobat is a productivity and collaboration PDF solution that includes Acrobat desktop software, Acrobat online tools, the Acrobat Reader mobile app, and the Adobe Scan app — all so you can work securely and efficiently from anywhere, on any device....
The only software we support is the free version of Adobe Reader. The PDF file should work flawlessly with the latest version of that program:Open Adobe Reader first (for the latest free version, visit http://get.adobe.com/reader). Choose "File > Open" from the Adobe Reader file menu ...