在这里,您将为您的视频选择一个适当的跟踪效果。点击面板右上角的“浏览”(Browse)按钮,然后在弹出的选项中选择“跟踪”(Tracking)。 接下来,您将看到一个名为“跟踪掩膜”(Tracking Mask)的选项。此掩膜将用于指定要跟踪的对象。点击面板上的“创建掩膜”(Create Mask)按钮。在弹出的选项中,您可以选择“矩形”(...
Premiere does a pretty good job of tracking objects, especially when they’re clear and not moving too fast, but there are times when you’ll need to adjust a few keyframes to make it work to your liking. Just scrub through the clip to the keyframe you want to fix, move your mask, ...
I'm running the latest version of Adobe Premiere Pro and everything works great so far except for mask tracking. It simply doesn't work. I create a mask (currently doing this in Lumetri color) and hit "track mask forward". The tracking progress bar comes up and nothing happens. N...
Solved: Premiere Pro 15.4.1 (and earlier versions) If I have tracked a mask, then go back to one of the tracking keyframes and alter the shape of the mask and - 12591014
首先,打开Adobe Premiere Pro软件并导入你想要编辑的视频素材。在项目面板中,右键点击素材并选择“新建序列”,然后将该素材拖动到新建的序列中开始编辑。 一旦你完成素材导入和序列创建,就可以开始使用Mask效果了。在“效果”面板中,搜索“Mask”并找到“Gaussian Blur”(高斯模糊)效果。将它拖动到你想要应用效果的视频...
the image. If the text is just in the background, you might try blurring it using themasking and trackingfeature in Premiere Pro. You can also try the Horizontal Flip effect in the Effects Control Panel to create an inverted mask. Then apply it to the area of video with text or ...
There are plenty of reasons to crop video in Premiere Pro. You can create a split-screen by cropping two videos to fit next to one another. If you’re trying to composite a special effect into your video clip, you can use the Mask tool to constrain the effect to just a portion of ...
number one Adobe After Effects alternative because it successfully bridges the gap between amateur and professional, with a user-friendly interface and After Effects-like features such as cutting-edge mask tools, motion controls, compositing effects, frame-by-frame motion tracking, chroma key, and ...
How Adobe Connect Administrators can manage accounts, account info, customize Adobe Connect, manage compliance requirements, and other account-level settings.