I have always had three other folders within the folder where my Premiere project lives (Adobe Auto-Save, Adobe Premiere Pro Captured Audio and Adobe Premiere Pro Audio Previews), but never this Captured video folder. I'm not capturing any video or audio for...
I have always had three other folders within the folder where my Premiere project lives (Adobe Auto-Save, Adobe Premiere Pro Captured Audio and Adobe Premiere Pro Audio Previews), but never this Captured video folder. I'm not capturing any video or audio for this proje...
While I was going through various workspaces trying to find the right one (including All Panels and other Premiere presets), I saw that a new folder was suddenly created in my project folder titled Adobe Premiere Pro Captured Video folder. Does anyone know why this may ...
and needed to revert to my original workspace. While I was going through various workspaces trying to find the right one (including All Panels and other Premiere presets), I saw that a new folder was suddenly created in my project folder titled Adobe Premiere Pro Captu...