ADOBE® PHOTOSHOP LIGHTROOM Aide et didacticiels Nouveautés Une partie du contenu lié à cette page peut s'afficher uniquement en anglais. Nouveautés de Lightroom 5 Filtre radial Outil Suppression des défauts amélioré Upright - Correction automatique de la perspective Aperçus dynamiques ...
Group images into albums and folders that you can share from Lightroom and invite friends to make their own edits. 此Adobe 网站与您的位置不匹配 根据您的位置,我们建议您访问中国的网站,该网站会为您提供本地内容、产品和价格。 中国United States ...
Lightroom Meet a smarter mobile photo editor. Make your photos look better than ever with powerful new features in Lightroom. Quick Actions instantly give you suggestions tailored to your photo so you can get the look you want. And with Generative Remove, it’s easy to clean up anything ...
使用无损编辑、滑块和滤镜,可轻松地在线制作更出色的照片。集成的 AI 架构可帮助您管理和共享照片。免费试用!
Explore Lightroom features. Remove anything in a touch. Generative Remove now makes it easier than ever to quickly clean up anything in your photos, without leaving a trace. Create a custom blur. Instantly create a stunning portrait effect in any photo with Lens Blur, powered by AI. Use new...
The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom mobile app lets you edit, organize, and enhance photos on your smartphone or tablet. Download this free photo editor app for your iPad, iPhone, or Android device.
photoshop lightroom features 您唯一需要的相片編輯器 探索Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 能如何協助您在桌上型電腦、行動裝置或在線上編輯相片,讓您每次都能呈現最完美的相片。了解如何開始編輯及增長您的攝影技能,創作出最佳的作品。 免費試用立即購買 編輯相片得到您要的效果 ...
/Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Lightroom Make your photos look better than ever with powerful new features in Lightroom. Quick Actions instantly give you suggestions tailored to your photo so you can get the look you want. And with Generative Remove, it’s easy to clean up anything in a touch....
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Lightroom Meet a smarter mobile photo editor. Make your photos look better than ever with powerful new features in Lightroom. Quick Actions instantly give you suggestions tailored to your photo so you can get the look you want. And with Generative Remove, it’s ...
使用Adobe Photoshop Lightroom,專業攝影師和攝影愛好者就可以透過相片編輯和整理功能,隨處製作令人驚豔的相片。