Solved: Hi Adobe, OS: Win 10 Pro 21H1 Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 32 Bit Issue: I cannot manually add the Print to Adobe PDF printer driver. I recieve an error - 12518021
Please go ahead and try the steps from KB article to cleanly remove the printer driver and re-add the same back. This might fix the issue at your end as well. Please make sure to download the Adobe PDF Printer driver from the KB article or from here. Please feel free to r...
如果安装Adobe Acrobat,则提示“警告20225:Adobe Acrobat 7.0 安装程序无法创建新的key目:Adobe PDF Converter。Adobe PDF Printer可能不可用。GetLastError:找不到指定的模块”。 如果安装 pdfFactory,提示“ pdfFactory Pro 不能被安装(AddPrinterDriver 失败)..找不到指定的模块”。) 其原因不是因为print spooler服务...
Adobe Sign is unable to create the document because all signing fields could not be added or because of an invalid digital signature All of the above issues are commonly solved by reprinting the document with theAdobe PDF print driver(click here for instructions) This is commonly called "flatte...
1. Open the PDF file in Acrobat. 2. Choose File > Print. 3. Click Advanced at the bottom of the Print dialog box. 4. In the resulting Advanced Print Setup dialog box, select Print As Image and click OK. Solution 2: Delete the Acrobat preferences folder. ...
4、告 20225: Adobe Acrobat 7.0安装程序无法创建新的 key 目:Adobe PDF Convertero Adobe PDF Printer 可能不可用。 GetLastError:找不到指定的模 块”。如果安装 pdfFactory,提示"pdfFactory Pro不能被安装(AddPrinterDriver失败).找不到指 定的模块"。)其原因不是因为 print spooler服务没启动,也不是因为环境变...
1、在电脑中下载并安装Adobe Acrobat DC,打开Adobe Acrobat DC在软件中打开需要编辑的pdf文件,打开pdf文件中可看到Adobe Acrobat DC可对pdf进行文本编辑器,添加图片,导出操作.2、编辑pdf:选择编辑功能可对pdf中的文本进行修改编辑,可以在pdf中添加图像,编辑页眉页脚等。3、格式转化:点击导出pdf,...
一、Print Spooler服务没有启动.方法1:我的电脑>管理>服务和应用程序>服务>启动Print Spooler.方法2:运行services.msc,启动Print Spooler 二、系统还原问题某些ghost版本的XP在安装pdffactroy和Adobe Acrobat时,会提示因为缺少某个模块而无法安装虚拟打印机,其原因不是因为print spooler服务没启动,也不是...
Use the custom page size Choose File > Print. Click thePage Setupbutton. Select the new custom page size from thePaper Sizemenu. Try these online PDF tools:convert Word to PDF,convert Excel to PDF,convert PowerPoint to PDF,convert JPG to PDF ...
Convert Smooth Lines To Curves: Reduces the number of control points used to build curves in CAD drawings, which results in smaller PDF files and faster onscreen rendering. Discard Embedded Print Settings: Removes embedded print settings, such as page scaling...