A go-to app for all media processing Adobe Media Encoder is atrusted software solutionfor all of your media processing projects. It is comprehensively packed with tools and features that will be essential for media encoding. Thanks to this program, you will now be able to work with media in...
Cinema Craft Encoder: Professional Video Encoding Software More Help & Info about Adobe Premiere Pro for windows What is Adobe Premiere? Adobe Premiere (or, to use its full name, Adobe Premiere Pro) is a comprehensive video editing app. Based around a timeline, it provides the user with a ...
PlayPauseButtonSkin— sınıf, paket spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.fullScreen The default skin class for the play/pause button of a Spark VideoPlayer component while in one of the fullScreen skin states. PlayPauseButtonSkin— sınıf, paket spark.skins.spark.mediaClasses.normal The ...
flash.media.Microphone.getMicrophone() noiseSuppressionLevel proprietà noiseSuppressionLevel:int Versione linguaggio: ActionScript 3.0 Versioni runtime: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2 Attenuazione massima del rumore in dB (numero negativo) utilizzata per l'encoder Speex. Se attivata, la sop...