如果您無法再存取已安裝 Adobe 產品的裝置,或者您已格式化硬碟或發生當機,如果該應用程式屬於 Creative Cloud 完整應用程式,您可以從 Adobe 帳戶登出 (停用) 該裝置。登入您的 Adobe 帳戶,並針對您要登出的裝置選取「停用」。 如何重設或變更我的密碼?
Manage your Adobe ID account Manage your Creative Cloud for enterprise membership Legal Notices|Online Privacy Policy مشاركة هذه الصفحة تم نسخ الارتباط هل كانت هذه الصفحة م...
6. 内容分析常见问题解答: https://helpx.adobe.com/cn/manage-account/using/machine-learning-faq.html 7. 欧洲经济区国家/地区和英国个人 Adobe Cloud Services 数据处理协议:https://dpa.adobe.com/dpaTermsOfUse?type=55 8. 非欧洲经济区和英国公民云服务数据保护条款:https://www.adobe.com/content/da...
Manage your Adobe Account profile, password, security options, product and service subscriptions, privacy settings, and communication preferences.
當您新增網域時,請指定是否啟用帳戶鎖定。 當選取啟用帳戶鎖定選項時,使用者帳戶會在指定次數的連續驗證失敗後鎖定。 在指定的時間長度後,使用者可以嘗試再次驗證。 此功能可防止使用者嘗試各種認證組合來存取系統。 使用「網域管理」頁面中的設定來指定驗證失敗的最大數目以及鎖定帳號的時間...
make sure you're aware of the cancellation terms by selecting your plan type (at the top of the page here), https://helpx.adobe.com/manage-account/using/creative-cloud-subscription-terms.htmlfor info ... Views 496 Replies 7 Translate ...
6. 콘텐츠 분석 FAQ: https://helpx.adobe.com/kr//manage-account/using/machine-learning-faq.html 7. Adobe 클라우드 서비스에 대한 EEA 및 영국 데이터 처리 계약 국가의 개인 사용자: https://dpa.adobe.com/dpaTermsOfUse?type=55...
(B) use another person’s account. Your account administrator may use your account information to manage your use and access to the Services and Software. For PhoneGap, we reserve the right to monitor and enforce subscription plan limits and restrictions, including, but not limited to, the ...
Manage Admin user accounts When your store is first installed, a default Admin account is created with login credentials that gives you full administrative access. As a best practice, you should create another user account with full Administrator access. That way, you can use one account for ...
Manage your Adobe Account profile, password, security options, product and service subscriptions, privacy settings, and communication preferences.