The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom mobile app lets you edit, organise and enhance photos on your smartphone or tablet. Download this free photo editor app for your iPad, iPhone or Android device.
With theLightroom download, photos are instantly synced from your iPhone's photo album in a grid format. Lightroom runs smoothly on Android smartphones, but it functions better with a tablet. The program comes withgesture control, which makes it easier to declutter the workflow. Adobe Photoshop...
Free trialBuy now Remove anything fast Gone in a touch. Generative Remove in Lightroom now makes it easier than ever to quickly clean up anything in your photos, without leaving a trace. Precise editing Fine-tune every detail. Quickly adjust light and colour, add presets and effects, crop ...
它还将包括处理 Adobe Express 项目的功能,这是一个面向主流用户的完整免费云端创意平台。用户可以通过模板创建图形、视频、网页等内容,可在移动端和桌面端访问。用户还可以通过 Adobe Fresco(一款用于矢量和光栅图形的免费应用)和 Adobe Lightroom(一款免费的照片组织、存储和编辑应用)进行操作。对于需要更多功能的...
使用Photoshop 编辑图像后可以将 PSD 保存到 Adobe Express 和 Fresco,也可以编辑 Lightroom 图像 还提供灵活地编辑、使用非破坏性的无限图层、选择性调整和读取 PSD 格式 支持全分辨率编辑和导入图像,同时保留文件保真度和图像质量 需要提醒的是 Photoshop Mobile & Web Plan 订阅方案既可以单独购买也可以通过其他套餐...
Ready to elevate your editing experience? Download Adobe Photoshop Lightroom today and embark on a visual adventure. With a 7-day free trial for non-subscribers, you can explore the app's full potential before subscribing.
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由 Adobe Firefly 提供支持的功能包括生成式填充和生成式扩展,可在设计和照片编辑中添加新元素,此外还集成了 Adobe Stock 素材库、Adobe Lightroom 以及其他 Adobe 应用程序和服务。除了这款适用于 iPhone 的 Photoshop 应用程序外,Adobe 还在扩展其基于网页的 Photoshop 体验,推出了一项新的 Photoshop 移动版和网页...
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