"Text21" is a field in 'dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM' format. I need a script for textbox "Text33" which is in dd/mm/yyyy format which should alert the user if the date entered in "Text33" is more than 30 months old from the date entered in "Text21". Also a seperate ale...
"type": "string", "format": "date", "pattern": "date{DD MMMM, YYYY}", "aem:affKeyword": [ "DOB", "Date of Birth" ], "description": "Date of birth in DD MMMM, YYYY", "aem:afProperties": { "displayPictureClause": "date{DD MMMM, YYYY}", "...
properties = { dataFormat: DataFormat.ASCII, epsColor: EPSColorSpace.CMYK, epsSpreads: false, fontEmbedding: FontEmbedding.NONE, pageRange: PageRange.SELECTED_ITEMS, preview: PreviewTypes.NONE, }; exportPath += graphic.itemLink.name.replace(/\.eps$/, '') + '.eps'; ...
JavascriptInfo 工作記錄檔 JobLogArray JobLogDetail JobLogDetailArray 工作記錄詳細資訊 JobLogDetailAuxArray 關鍵字 關鍵字陣列 去底色背景選項 LayerViewInfo ManualCropOptions 遮色片 遮罩陣列 遮色片資訊 主視訊資訊 MediaOptions 中繼資料 中繼資料陣列 Metadatecondition MetadataConditionArray MetadataDelet...
的簽署格式 SigningFormat signingFormat = SigningFormat.CAdES; sigAppearence.setSigningFormat(signingFormat); signOptions.setSigAppearence(sigAppearence); 新增簽名欄位 您可以使用簽名服務Java API或簽名網站服務API,以程式設計方式新增簽名欄位。 您可以將多個簽名欄位新增到PD...
DateSpinnerSkin 定位外观的子代。 layoutContents(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number)— 方法, 类 spark.skins.mobile.supportClasses.MobileSkin 定位外观的子代。 layoutCornerEllipseSize— 属性, 类 spark.skins.mobile.ButtonSkin 定义角半径。 layoutCornerEllipseSize— 属性, 类 spark.skins.mobile....
"repo:lastModifiedDate": 1551229957987, "xdm:createdClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}", "xdm:repositoryCreatedBy": "{CREATED_BY}" }, "meta:tenantNamespace": "{NAMESPACE}" } 请记下$id和version属性,因为创建数据集时将同时使用这两个属性。 为架构设置主标识描述符 ...
maxDate—Компоненттемыоформления, класс com.adobe.ep.ux.content.view.components.search.renderers.DateSearchRenderer Skin Part for showing Max Date Skin Part for showing Max Date maxDate—Свойство, класс spark.components.DateSpinner Макс...
Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications.
Returns A JavaScript Date object that represents the date and time when the specified file was created. DWfile.getModificationDateObj() Availability Dreamweaver MX. Description This function gets the JavaScript Date object that represents the time when the file was last modified. Arguments fileURL ...