(5)效果的修整命令只能用于图层、群组或文字等。 39.对象-光栅化:Illustrator提供的滤镜下的部分命令只能用于像素图像,可通过光栅化命令将矢量图转化为像素图像再进行操作。 40.效果-光栅化:部分效果命令会使填充栅格化成像素图像,在效果中没有设置栅格化的选项,可在该命令中设置。 41.对象-扩展外观:主要用于扩展...
Just bought the new MacBook Pro TouchBar with harddisk and graphics card upgrade, but Illustrator is running slower than on my 2014 MacBook Pro. How can this be? When in outline mode and panning around the document using the hand tool, it's extremely laggy when it should be MORE...
warning came up whenever I tried to leave outline mode. I found it by hiding everything, going into any non-outline view mode, and then revealing chunks at a time until I isolated and eliminated the... Votes 13 Upvotes Translate Translate Jump to answer ...
In Illustrator, when we talk about the color of an object,we refer to the fill color. We learned what fill is. Full color refers to the color of the fill. We can pick any color in the color wheel as a fill color. Choosing a pattern or a gradient as a fill color is also possible...
Adobe Illustrator试题库「」 Adobe Illustrator试题库「2016」 1、Edit>Preference(编辑>预置)子菜单中有很多设定项用来定义Illustrator的操作环境,下列哪个选项不属于Preference(预置)中的设定项?D A. Smart Guide(智能参考线) B. Type & Auto Tracing(字型和自动描边)...
Instructions for Adobe Illustrator Outline Techniques 1. Right click your art file 2. Open with Adobe Illustrator 3. Once opened, select all objects in your art (CRTL+A) 4. Choose Type > Create Outlines from the top menu 5. Your text is outlined! Now simply save as PDF using Adobe's ...
1、下面有关Illustrator滤镜 Stylize (风格化)命令描述不正确的是:A B C A. Add Arrowheads(添加箭头)命令主要用于对开放路径加箭头,但对于封闭的路径也可以执行此命令 B. Add Arrowheads(加箭头)命令中提供了15种箭头形状 C. Drop Shadow(投影)命令只能对矢量图形建立投影 ...
Adobe Illustrator CS试题库带答案 1、Edit>Preference(编辑>预置)子菜单中有很多设定项用来定义Illustrator的操作环境,下列哪个选项不属于Preference(预置)中的设定项?D A. Smart Guide(智能参考线) B. Type & Auto Tracing(字型和自动描边) C. Units & Undo (度量单位和还原) ...
C. Drop Shadow(投影)的Mode(模式)一定是Multiply(正片叠底) D. 这个效果在InDesign中无法实现,必须借助Illustrtor中的透明蒙版 124、下列关于在InDesign中置入Illustrator原生ai文件的叙述,其中不正确的是:B C D A. 如果要保证在两个程序中看到的对象颜色一致,必须保证两个程序的色彩管理设置相同 ...
C. Drop Shadow(投影)的Mode(模式)一定是Multiply(正片叠底) D. 这个效果在InDesign中无法实现,必须借助Illustrtor中的透明蒙版 124、下列关于在InDesign中置入Illustrator原生ai文件的叙述,其中不正确的是:B C D A. 如果要保证在两个程序中看到的对象颜色一致,必须保证两个程序的色彩管理设置相同 ...