首先,大家使用卸载程序卸载旧版本Creative Cloud 桌面应用程序,没有安装Creative Cloud的直接跳过。然后下载 Creative Cloud 桌面应用程序,按照页面上的提示进行安装即可。Creative Cloud安装地址复制打开mac.orsoon.com/Mac/182154.html?id=MTU0MTQ3MSZfJjIyMC4xODYuNi4yMDM%3D 安装Creative Cloud桌面应用程序后,重新...
错误代码107是adobe系列安装过程中经常出现的一种错误类型,通常是Adobe安装文件不完整造成的,大多数情况下只要重新下载安装包就可以了。 下载Adobe激活版 可Adobe 2022版本软件经过发现,当电脑中没有安装最新版本的Creative Cloud,也会出现错误代码107的错误提示。这时候只要确认安装包完整之后,在电脑上下载并安装...
错误代码107是adobe系列安装过程中经常出现的一种错误类型,通常是Adobe安装文件不完整造成的,大多数情况下只要重新下载安装包就可以了。 下载Adobe激活版 可Adobe 2022版本软件经过发现,当电脑中没有安装最新版本的Creative Cloud,也会出现错误代码107的错误提示。这时候只要确认安装包完整之后,在电脑上下载并安装最新的...
I can't update Lightroom Classic to version 13.0.1 since 2 days, there was no problem with Photoshop. I have reinstalled Creative Cloud, restarted Mac, it does not work. It always shows error code 107. (Lightroom Classic 13.0.1 / OS Ventura 13.6.1 ) TOPICS Installation Adobe Fehler...
解决各种 Failed with error code xxx 提示。 方法1: 1.原因很多是没有卸载干净之前的版本,卸载先用 App Cleaner & Uninstaller 卸载 2.然后下载 Adobe清理工具 :Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool,打开清理工具后,直接点击 Clean All 清理所有。 ARM 芯片电脑的必须启用RS转译:安装Rosetta 2 3.安装AntiCC ...
Plugins that failed to load: NONEUnified Extensibility Platform - Extensions:Home Screen (Loaded) - from the file "Required Folder"CDO: 1.143.0CmdN: 1.18.19CDP: 1.167.0Loaded at: 226 ms - launch time impact: 37 msccx-timeline (Prepared) - from th...
Device packaging tool failed. The package could not be created because expected operating system components are missing. Android errors Exit code Description Notes 400 Current Android sdk version doesn't support attribute. Check that the attribute name is spelled correctly and is a valid attribute for...
2. Then I get the intialization failed error. 3. Then I get: Error in POL_Shortcut Binary not found: photoshop.exe Have you installed the program to the default location? Then it wants to send a bug report to POL. My laptop is running Ubuntu 18.04 with 16 GB Ram, 2.0 GHZ processo...
Problem Description I built my app today for TestFlight testing. I first used .345 and resigned it myself given the issue reported in #758. The build validated and uploaded to AppStore Connect using transporter with no issue, however I g...
I get the message Failed with error code 107 when I try to install file Photoshop_23.2-macuniversal-RiD.app. I have Air M1. Does anybody know how to fix that? Reply Vanja says: February 17, 2022 at 5:40 am edit: it works perfectly now on Monterey 12.2. I uninstalled old versi...