I am new to InDesign. Trying to print a tri-fold double sided and the reverse side is printing upside down. I think it is some settings I need to tweak but can't find an easy answer. Can anyone give guidance? TOPICS How to , Print ...
The HP printers have an option when you are printing double-sided to bind on either the long edge or the short edge of the paper. If Long edge is specified the back surface of the paper will have the page image upside down from the front. Specify Short edge binding will get them going...
NB Unfortunately, none of what follows works with locked PDF files. (To see if a file is locked, open the left-hand pane as described in Step 7 below; if there is a padlock image, then the file is locked.) Print and scan is the only solution here (printing to PDF will not ...
So, not only does it fail to OCR and it also generates error messages about losing communication (across a hard wired LAN) with the scanner, but it also has just taken me about 6 attempts to scan two sheets of a double sided letter. It showed 3 pages of scan sev...
When I print from Acrobat DC Pro for Mac (which is updated), the second page is always blank while the rest is double-sided. I want it all double-sided (and - 10501973
For 10 years, Acrobat would automatically know that a "Booklet" is a double-sided, short edge print. I have never had problems with this, until a month ago. Now, Acrobat doesn't seem to understand what a "Booklet" is. Every time I print one (which I do several a week...
In order to print properly, some panels need to be upside down. I have created the document so that it can print double sided, turned on the long edge, then folded and that works fine for the printer and they're fine with the file. The proble...
I'm printing double sided (flip on long edge). All of the pages print correctly except for a handful, which print upside down (flipped on short edge). It is always only the same few number of pages (the section header pages) that don't print the way they appear in the...
Unfortunately, this causes the second page to print upside down, but it does print on the back side of the first page! So the problem appears to be related to a device-dependent implementation of PostScript as abeddie suggested. This is cause for concern since my application will be used ...
I am new to InDesign. Trying to print a tri-fold double sided and the reverse side is printing upside down. I think it is some settings I need to tweak but can't find an easy answer. Can anyone give guidance? TOPICS How to , Print ...