打开可疑的 PDF:Reader 和 Acrobat 会阻止不符合某些行业特定 PDF 标准或可能包含有害内容的 PDF。 应谨慎操作。这些 PDF 可能会对您的系统构成安全风险。仔细检查文档的来源,例如是谁向您发送文档或您从哪个网站下载文档,以确保文档可以安全打开。 尝试打开在 InDesign 或 Illustrator 中创建的 PDF 时,收到错误消...
Adobe acrobat DC could not open PDF documents on my computer. When looked at task manager, multiple instances of acrobat reader keeps on running. When those processes/instances are ended, documents get opened. This is happening on frequent basis. The application has been uninstalled ...
If I add trusted locations in the form of UNC, File Name, or Host Name, does not help. Still can not open more than one at a time. Access premissions are the same. All locations are on mapped drives. All have DFS locations included. If I turn off Protected mode, everything is ...
问题: 从 AutoCAD 打印为 PDF 后,在 Adobe Acrobat 或 Reader 中打开 PDF 文件时,显示以下消息: Adobe 阅读器 打开此文档时出错。文件已损坏,无法修复。 此外,在其他 PDF 查看器(例如 Google Chrome 或 Microsoft Edge)中...
您必须具有 Adobe PDF 阅读器插件在 Web 浏览器中启用的客户端计算机。 您使用此 Web 浏览器打开一个 IIS Web 站点承载的 PDF 文档。 在这种情况下,您无法打开的 PDF 文档。此外,Web 浏览器可能会停止响应。注意: 您可能仍然能够打开此 IIS Web 站点上的其他 PDF 文档时,会发生此问题。 此...
MS Word:.docm、.dotm、.docb MS PowerPoint:.pptm、.potm、.ppam、.ppsm、.sldm MS Access:.acde、.accdr 如果尝试打开附加到 PDF 的启用宏的 Office 文件,您会收到以下错误消息: “Adobe Acrobat 无法打开文件附件,因为您的 PDF 文件附件设置不允许打开此文件类型。” ...
Check to see if Adobe Acrobat needs an update, and update it if it does. Restart Acrobat after closing all programs running in the background. Scan to see if the PDF has malware, since Adobe Acrobat could be protecting you by not opening the PDF. ...
For me this is sill an issue. PDF does not open in Adobe Tuesday, October 9, 2018 1:54 PM Hi, Been searching for a solution for this myself. there is one product called Prizm docs but this is new too. https://acrobat.adobe.com/content/dam/doc-cloud/en/pdfs/adobe-document-cloud...
在管理控制台中,单击服务>PDF Generator> Adobe PDF设置。 单击新建或单击现有设置的名称。 在新建/编辑Adobe PDF设置页面上,完成以下部分中的必需信息: 常规选项 图像选项 字体选项 颜色选项 高级选项 标准报告和合规性选项 初始视图选项 要转到其他部分,请在网页上单击该部分的链接,或者使用“下一个”和“上...
What languages does Acrobat Reader work in? Is Acrobat Reader available on mobile devices? What commenting tools are available in Acrobat Reader? Can I fill out and save forms with Acrobat Reader? Can I sign documents and forms electronically with Acrobat Reader? Can I collect signatures...