Respond to your request (e.g., customer service). Allowing you to participate in sweepstakes, contests, and similar promotions and to administer these activities. On other occasions where we ask you for consent, we will use the information for the purposes which we explain at that time. Where...
I've asked in four different chats for a phone number of a rep in the USA...the language just makes it impossible to communicate with India. They gave me the following: 800-833-6687 800-585-0774 Each time they assured me that those numbers would get a person in the USA...and ...
I for one, am tired of dealing with companies that farm all their customer service issues to India or wherever. If their products are good enough to buy, they are good enough to support. Adobe needs to buck up and take some responsibility. So Adobe, what do you...
6.4 offer, use or permit the use of or access to the Services and Software in a computer services business, third-party outsourcing service, on a membership or subscription basis, on a service bureau basis, on a time-sharing basis, as a part of a hosted service or on behalf of any thi...
請閱讀以下檔案,深入瞭解您可以在Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service中處理身分識別名稱空間的動作。 快速入門 身分名稱空間需要瞭解各種Adobe Experience Platform服務。 開始使用命名空間之前,請先檢閱下列服務文件: Real-Time Customer Profile:根據來自多個來源的彙總資料,即時提供統一的客戶設定檔。
CDK Drive Customer CDK Drive Service Vehicles Centrical Certopus CGTrader Chatter Checkly (Independent Publisher) Chuck Norris IO (Independent Publisher) cioplenu Cireson Service Manager Portal Cisco Webex Meetings Citymapper (Independent Publisher) CivicPlus Transform Clearbit (Independent Publisher) ClickSend...
Once live, your organization will be able to easily access Adobe Customer Support; have greater visibility into your service history via a common system across products; and request help via phone, web, and chat through a single portal. If you are an Adobe Commerce user, refer to Submit a ...
Phone No. phone string Recipient's phone number required to view & sign the agreement Order order True integer Index starting with 1, indicating position at which signing group needs to sign. Role role True string The current roles of the participant set (signer, approver etc). Group Name...
schema:telephone Phone Number The phone number. string string, xdm:acceptLanguage Accept Language An IETF Language Tag (RFC 5646). string string, https://ns...
If I don’t have an Internet connection, can I call Customer Service for phone activation? I have an Internet connection but received a reminder that I still need to activate my product. What do I need to do? I work for a company that has a volume license agreement with Adobe. Do I...